Funding to kick-start new and innovative collaborations with the African Institute for Mathematical Sciences 


Applications for the Imperial - AIMS Connect Seed Fund are now closed. 


The AIMS institutes focus on both basic and applied mathematics, covering a large range of mathematical applications in physics, quantitative biology, bioinformatics, scientific computing, finance, agriculture modelling. 

There are six AIMS Centres:

The AIMS – Imperial Connect Seed Fund promotes and supports early-stage collaboration among academics, researchers and students at Imperial and AIMS institutions. The fund encourages projects that, through establishing new links or strengthening existing ones, are likely to lead to future collaborative work between Imperial and an AIMS partner.


Types of Projects

Projects are expected to benefit students and staff at both institutions. Applicants must clearly state the impact that the award will bring to both institutions.

This seed fund is intended to support a broad spectrum of projects, but all proposals are expected to incorporate an in-person/travel element. Examples of suitable activities include an Imperial staff member visiting an AIMS centre to participate in a workshop or hosting an AIMS PhD student in London to facilitate training in their research group.

If you are interested in this opportunity but do not have established connections at one of the Centres, please contact the International Relations Office for assistance.



This call has a total budget of £15,000 from Imperial, and we expect to award multiple grants between £3,000 and £5,000 each. Funds can only be spent on activities which fit the purpose of this call. 

The applicants also declare that the Imperial-AIMS Connect Fund award will not be used for any item(s) funded or pending funding from other sources. 

All funds will be paid to the Imperial PI to manage locally and in line with standard College guidance.   

Eligible costs 


eligible / not eligible  

Student support costs  

(e.g student bursaries) 


Limited research consumables 




Small project-related equipment 


Bench fees  

not eligible 

Indirect and estate costs 

not eligible 

Salary costs (staff) 

not eligible  


Eligibility and Process

At Imperial, the fund is open to permanent members of staff only.  

One proposal per principal applicant per call is permitted.  

Each application should have one principal applicant based at Imperial and one principal applicant at AIMS and should contain a written case for support to address the following questions:  

  1. Alignment to call: A description of the project and collaboration proposed, and a brief description of the intended use and impact of the funding. 
  2. Sustainability and strategic value: A description of the long-term impact and development of the project, and how it will add value to the strategic partnership between AIMS and Imperial.
  3. AIMS-Imperial partnership: A description of how the project team will collaborate throughout the project and the benefits of involving of team members from each institution.

Review and Selection

The panel will rank the proposals based on: 

  • Excellence of the proposed project
  • The difference the funding will make, including clear justification of why this funding scheme is appropriate
  • AIMS-Imperial partnership: the project demonstrates collaboration between AIMS and Imperial team members and is likely to result in further links between the two institutions
  • The project will have positive impact on both institutions

Key Date

Applications Close 

25 September 2023 

Feedback and revision for shortlisted projects  

October 2023 

Result Announcement 

By the end of October 2023 

Project Commences 

01 November 2023 (Project duration: Up to 9 months) 

Project Completion 

By 31 July 2024 (extensions will not be granted)